28 – 30 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2025
Επενδύοντας στο Μέλλον των Ημιαγωγών: Η Πρόκληση των 100 Εκατομμυρίων για την Ελλάδα
Ομιλητές Eκτός Eταιρειών - Χορηγών
Κουρκουτάς Γιώργος
Αρχισυντάκτης Startupper MAG & Startupper.gr - ΕΜΕA Media / Media Hub.
Ο Γιώργος Κουρκουτάς αν και σπούδασε Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων τελικά τον κέρδισε η τεχνολογική δημοσιογραφία. Για πάνω 20 χρόνια έγραφε για Amiga και mobile tech στο Pixel και το περιοδικό RAM. Το 2012 συμμετείχε στη πρώτη δημοσιογραφική Startup και από το 2016 ήταν αρχισυντάκτης στο Startupper.gr. Το 2019 ανέλαβε τον σχεδιασμό του πρώτου περιοδικού για Startups, το Startupper Mag και μέχρι το 2022 ήταν αρχισυντάκτης. Σήμερα είναι σύμβουλος επικοινωνίας και PR σε πολλές Startups και από τις αρχές του 2024 ανέλαβε [...]
Ομιλητές Eκτός Eταιρειών - Χορηγών
Ζερβάκης Εμμανουήλ
President (HETiA), Chief Business Officer at ES Systems S.A.
Emmanuel Zervakis was born in Athens, Greece in 1975. He received both the Bachelor degree in Physics and the Master degree in microelectronics from University of Patras in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He received the PhD in 2004 from National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. During his PhD, he designed signal conditioning electronics for solid state detectors for High Energy Physics Experiments. He worked from 2001 up to 2004 to THETA Microelectronics as a Junior integrated circuits designer. He participated in all projects of the company designing both baseband and radio frequency analog circuits introduced to the new transceiver architectures targeting modern wireless communications. He joined THEON Sensors early in 2005 as a Senior Electrical Engineer in the MEMS department and from 20 [...]
Ομιλητές Eκτός Eταιρειών - Χορηγών
Κικίδης Γιάννης
Global Ecosystem Lead - Renesas Electronics
John Kikidis is a senior professional, experienced technology executive, co-founder and entrepreneur in technology innovative startups, with thirty years of business experience in software, electronics and semiconductor industries. He is currently Global Ecosystem Lead for the Renesas Ready Partner Network of Renesas Electronics, that acquired Dialog Semiconductor in 2021. He is also co-founder and Chairman at Eyelead Software, a University of Patras spin-off, in 3D visualization software technology and applications, and member in the board of directors at the Hellenic Emerging Technologies Industry Association (HETIA) and at Orange Grove. He joined Dialog as a Program Manager in 2015 and previously was Product Development Director at the Citrix R&D Center for about 2 years and CEO at Analogies, a University of Patras spin-off for 7 years [...]
Μπακόλιας Μπάμπης
Director and General Manager
Dr. Babis Bakolias is Director and General Manager at ANSYS Hellas. ANSYS is the global leader of pervasive simulation technologies, a member of S&P500 and Nasdaq-100. Prior to ANSYS and since 2010, Babis worked as General Manager at Helic S.A., a Greek, US-headquartered R&D company producing simulation software for the global semiconductor market. Before Helic, he worked primarily in R&D product development roles, both as scientist and manager, in London, Cambridge and Athens. Babis holds a BSc in Physics, a MSc in Optoelectronics from Queens University Belfast, a PhD in Machine Vision from Imperial College London and an MBA from Athens University of Business and Economics. [...]
Ομιλητές Eκτός Eταιρειών - Χορηγών
Σιδηρόπουλος Γιώργος
Managing Director - Think Silicon, an Applied Materials Company
George is a technical innovator and co-founder of Think Silicon. He started his engineering career at Atmel as a digital IC designer and was involved in many SoC designs that reached the market in the areas of wireless communications (wifi, Bluetooth) and VoIP. He continued as a GPU designer at Think Silicon developing the ultra-low power Think-Series GPUs of the company before moving to the business side. As the CEO of Think Silicon he was responsible for corporate strategy, business development, funding, sales and IPR among the rest. In 2020, Think Silicon was acquired by Applied Materials, global leader in materials engineering solutions for the semiconductor industry. Since then, George is Country President and Managing Director of Think Silicon, an Applied Materials Company, leading the aggressive growth of the team and business with [...]
Ομιλητές Eκτός Eταιρειών - Χορηγών
Φραντζεσκάκης Μανώλης
CEO - Argo semiconductors SA
Manolis Frantzeskakis holds a Diploma in the Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras, Greece and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park, USA. Dr Frantzeskakis worked in Intracom Telecom from 1994 to 2000, where he was instrumental on evolving the physical layer of the wireless communications product line from analog to digital circuit technology and developing the first company products targeting the Fixed Wireless Access market. He has been awarded the highest company employee distinction for his contributions to the company. In 2001, he became the founding CEO of Hermes Technologies SA, a semiconductor company, the first one to demonstrate a Wi-Fi smart antenna technology prototype, doubling the throughput and tripling the coverage of WLAN. In April 2003, in the Europea [...]